【2/8】good day GREEN market
【12/15】ジョニー・ドゥアルテ 講義&人物デッサンライブデモンストレーション(入場無料)
12月15日(金)19:30 – 22:00 SOOO dramatic!2階 シェアアトリエrebootにて、Tokyo Artists League of Life Drawing主催「ジョニー・ドゥアルテ 講義&人物デッサンライブデモンストレーション」が開催されます。(入場料:無料)
Lecture and Live Drawing Demonstration by Joni Duart
Hosted by Tokyo Artists League of Life Drawing
2017.12.15 (Fri.) 19:30 – 22:00
(English text comes below.)
人物デッサン会を主催するTokyo Artists League of Life Drawing (東京アーティスト同盟)にイギリス、ロンドンから講師を迎え、特別イベントを開催します。
東京都台東区下谷1-11-15 ソレイユ入谷2階
19:30 – 20:00 講義:人物画の歴史
古代ギリシャ ― ローマ ― 中世、イタリアルネッサンスのアトリエ ― 現代美術学校
20:30 – 22:00人物画ライブデモンストレーション
・ 人物画がテーマとして描かれる理由を知りたい方
・ 画家が実際に絵を描く過程を見てみたいという方
・ 西洋絵画理論に興味のある方(日本の絵画教室では学べない内容です)
・ 講師のデモを見ながら疑問点・弱点を解消し、自身の作品制作に役立てたい方
ジョニー・平田・ドゥアルテはLisbon Art Universityで文学士を取得後、ロンドンに拠点を移す。City & Guilds London Art Schoolで2012年に修士課程を修了したのち、Lavender Hill Studiosでさらに研究を重ねる。現在はLondon Fine Art Studiosでシニア・チューターを務めている。
【Tokyo Artists League of Life Drawingプロフィール】
Tokyo Artists League of Life Drawing(TAL)は、ライフを描くということを大前提とし、デッサン会を主催しております。プロからアマチュアまで多様なバックグラウンドをもつアーティストとモデルが所属し、お互いに切磋琢磨しながら成長していくアーティスト同盟として、作品制作とアーティスト同士の交流のできる場を提供しております。
Portrait drawing demonstration by Joni Duarte from the workshop on 18th December 2016 with TAL
(Video edited by Jorge Lescale)
Tokyo Artists League of Life Drawing (TAL) will welcome a professional painter/tutor, Joni Duarte from London, as our instructor. Joni will give us a lecture about the history of figure drawing, followed by his live demonstration of portrait drawing.
Why has human figure been the central subject for centuries? Why are we still doing this? Why nudity? His talk will help your understanding of what you are doing as well as give you a chance to rethink why you want to do a life drawing. The lecture will be given in English and Japanese.
Following the lecture comes his live demonstration of portrait drawing. Joni will draw a life model with explanation of his drawing process. We believe not many painters have enough skill, career and confidence to be capable of doing a live demo in public. We are very proud of having him in the group and we bet you do not easily get this kind of experience anywhere else.
Taking photos and videos are allowed throughout the lecture and demo.
19:30 – 20:00 Lecture “A brief introduction to the history of figure drawing in Ateliers”
The Greeks – The Romans – Ateliers of middle ages and Italian Renaissance – Art schools
20:30 – 22:00 Live drawing demonstration
With a Half American and half Japanese female model (clothed)
Free admission.
Venue: ソレイユ入谷2F “アトリエ reboot” 1 Chome-11-15 Shitaya, Taitō-ku, Tōkyō-to
[Instructor’s profile]
Joni Hirata Duarte, began his studies in art at Lisbon Art University (BA), and subsequently moved to London to further pursue his passion for art. Joni completed his MA at City & Guilds London Art School in 2012 and continued to develop his career as an artist at Lavender Hill Studios. Now he is a senior tutor at London Fine Art Studios.
[Tokyo Artists League of Life Drawing profile]
We are a league of artists, professionals and amateurs alike, who wish to draw/paint from life models and improve together as a group. We run quality of life drawing events inviting a variety of models with different backgrounds. The events take place on Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays on three regular venues. Please check our event schedule on our website: https://www.tal.tokyo/
Event host (organizer): Naomi Moriyama
Inquiry and reservation: naomi@tal.tokyo
We will be hosting the “Full Tutored, Intensive Life Drawing Workshop by Joni Duarte” on the following 16th and 17th. If you are interested in taking the classes, please find the details on the Meetup site or our website.