
【12/16〜18】ジョニー・ドゥアルテ 人物デッサン3日間集中講座

ジョニー・ドゥアルテ 人物デッサン3日間集中講座
Full Tutored, Intensive 3-day Life Drawing Workshop by Joni Duarte

*English is below



Tokyo Artists League of Life Drawing は、ライフを描くということを大前提としたアーティスト同盟です。毎週末活動をしておりますが、今回は特別にイギリス、ロンドンから講師を迎え、3日間の人物デッサンワークショップを開催します。





・ 人物画をどう描いていいかわからない方(メソッドから教えます)

・ 西洋絵画理論に興味のある方(日本の絵画教室では学べない内容です)

・ 集中的な指導を受けさらなる高みを目指したい方

・ 一度基礎から習い直し自分の手法を見つめ直したい方

・ 講師のデモを見ながら疑問点、弱点を解消したい方

・ 国際色豊かなメンバーの多様な作風に触れて刺激を受けたい方。




2日目(12/17(土)午後の回13:30-16:30, 夜の回17:30-20:30)
モデル:午後 メキシコ人女性(ヌード)
     夜  メキシコ人男性(ヌード)

3日目(12/18(日)午後の回13:30-16:30, 夜の回17:30-20:30)
モデル:午後 メキシコ人女性(前日と同一モデル・同一ポーズ) (ヌード)
     夜  メキシコ人男性(前日と同一モデル・同一ポーズ) (ヌード)
* どなたでも参加可。ご家族・ご友人をお誘い合わせください。交流会のみの参加も歓迎します。ワイン・軽食をご用意します。


ライブデモ&交流会 1,000円


Full Tutored, Intensive 3-day Life Drawing Workshop by Joni Duarte 集中講座

Friday, Dec 16, 2016, 7:00 PM

ソレイユ入谷2F “アトリエ reboot” 1 Chome-11-15 Shitaya, Taitō-ku, Tōkyō-to
東京都台東区下谷1-11-15, Tokyo Tokyo, JP

8 Members Went

Full Tutored, Intensive 3-day Life Drawing Workshop by Joni Duarte ジョニー・ドゥアルテ による人物デッサン3日間集中講座 [masked](Fri.)~12.18(Sun.)We are pleased to welcome the professional tutor/painter Joni Duarte from London for our classes. Please don’t miss this precious opportunity to touch new methods cultivated in a variety of his background and experience (i…

Check out this Meetup →


ジョニー・平田・ドゥアルテはLisbon Art Universityで文学士を取得後、ロンドンに拠点を移す。City & Guilds London Art Schoolで2012年に修士課程を修了したのち、Lavender Hill Studiosでさらに研究を重ねる。現在はLondon Fine Art Studiosでシニア・チューターを務めている。

森山直美(Tokyo Artists League of Life Drawingオーガナイザー)

日本での美術学習経験やバックグラウンドはなく、西洋絵画が好きで人物画に漠然と興味を持っていたが、2014年、ニューヨークにあるライフドローイングを基盤とした美術学校の存在を知り、渡米し美術を始める。その後渡英し仕事の合間に様々な美術学校のコースやライフドローイング団体の活動に参加。2016年6月に帰国し、8月にTokyo Artists League of Life Drawingを立ち上げ毎週末イベントを開催している。登録メンバーの半数は外国人であることから、国際交流、アーティスト同士の国を超えたネットワーク作りも大切にし、今回第一弾となるこのワークショップを始め国内外問わない活動を目指している。


Full Tutored, Intensive 3-day Life Drawing Workshop by Joni Duarte

We are a league of artists who gather every weekend to draw/paint solely from life models. For the 3rd week of December, we are having a special workshop, welcoming a tutor/painter Joni Duarte from London. Please don’t miss this precious opportunity to touch new methods cultivated in a variety of his background and experience (in Kyoto, Lisbon and London) and take an advantage for your artistic practice.

The 3-day classes (5 sessions in total) are structured to be gone through as a series, but you are still welcome to take a class separately. Appropriate for all levels, from beginners to advanced. All the classes are full tutored and include his demonstrations, one-to-one tuition and life models. It will hugely benefit you to join even a single, of course full sessions.

Instructions will be given in English and Japanese. Materials are not included; please bring your own. Desks, chairs, drawing boards and easels are provided.

【The course structure】

Day 1 (Friday December 16 19:00-22:00)
Gesture Drawing. Visual elements (fundamentals of drawing)
Model: Japanese female (nude)

Day 2 (Saturday December 17 Afternoon session 13:30-16:30, Evening session 17:30-20:30)
Long pose. Introduction to shading and anatomy
Model: Afternoon: Mexican female (nude)
Evening: Mexican male (nude)

Day 3 (Sunday December 18 Afternoon session 13:30-16:30, Evening session 17:30-20:30)
Long pose. Rendering and finishing
Model: Afternoon: Mexican female (nude) (The same model and pose as Day2)
Evening: Mexican male (nude) (The same model and pose as Day2)
Life model drawing demonstration by Joni Duarte and workshop completion party (20:30-22:30)
Model: German male (clothed)
*Anyone is welcome; please feel free to brig your family and friends. Attending only for the party is possible. Wine and snack will be served.

【Instructor’s profile】

Joni Hirata Duarte, began his studies in art at Lisbon Art University (BA), and subsequently moved to London to further pursue his passion for art. Joni completed his MA at City & Guilds London Art School in 2012 and continued to develop his career as an artist at Lavender Hill Studios. Now he is a senior tutor at London Fine Art Studios.

Please have a look at the websites below for further information or his works.

Please check his drawing process that you are supposed to learn in the videos below.

【Tuition fee】
4,000 JPY for each session (20,000 JPY for 5 sessions)
1,000 JPY for the drawing demo and party

To reserve your spot, please register as a member and RSVP on the website below, or contact the organizer (Naomi Moriyama) to the address: tokyoartistsleague@gmail.com and inform which day and how many sessions you want to join.

Full Tutored, Intensive 3-day Life Drawing Workshop by Joni Duarte 集中講座

Friday, Dec 16, 2016, 7:00 PM

ソレイユ入谷2F “アトリエ reboot” 1 Chome-11-15 Shitaya, Taitō-ku, Tōkyō-to
東京都台東区下谷1-11-15, Tokyo Tokyo, JP

8 Members Went

Full Tutored, Intensive 3-day Life Drawing Workshop by Joni Duarte ジョニー・ドゥアルテ による人物デッサン3日間集中講座 [masked](Fri.)~12.18(Sun.)We are pleased to welcome the professional tutor/painter Joni Duarte from London for our classes. Please don’t miss this precious opportunity to touch new methods cultivated in a variety of his background and experience (i…

Check out this Meetup →


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